It's been a while since I've updated this thing, mainly because of the fact I have no internetconnection at home at the moment, secondly because I'm back in school and off to work after. That or I'm spending time with some close friends or that one special friend. Once I get back on track I'll try and write some more about what happened in these past few weeks or what I still remember.
Another plus about pictures is that they help you reconstruct whatever you did in the past because it's been so long by now I wouldn't even remember what I did last week if it wasn't for photos.
these are some pictures from last weekend, hanging out and roadtrippin' to France with George Gotz Basti Wolli and Marcus from At Daggers Drawn
it was great seeing these guys again

playlist these days: Break Even, Ceremony, BLKOUT!, The First Step, Life Long Tragedy, The Effort, Hopeless
I'm missing ON tomorrow because of work, fuck
catch you on the bright side.