haha beat that
been painting my room today, putting the second coat up tomorrow or later if something else comes up, before and after pics up when finished, it blew my mind so sit tight
oh yeah, check out Karel's blog, the kid's awesome, has his own vision to life, not something so common for kids at his age, the kid defenetly knows his way around good music!
check it out:
tonight (05/09) heading to meetjesland metalfest, Carrying My Burdens is playing so come early and support, other bands are The Dying, Deadlock As We Fight and Fear My Thoughts
Tomorrow night Rise&Fall is playing in Antwerp together with BLACKLISTED at the Rhythm To The Madness and Common Cause Release show, come hang out!
one more 'little thing':
no excuses, this is where you should be on november 1st
1 comment:
De Lieven, wat nen held. Cool om u nog eens te zien op dieje Blacklisted show. Jammer dat we nog vroeg doormoesten. Den Bram had zijnen trein trouwens nog gemist (verkeerde info op de nmbs-site en al), maar 'k had nog een plaats vrij in mijn hart (en huis) voor hem, dus dat was in orde.
Amenra ga ik niet doen, te ver en zo ne zotte fan ben ik niet, sorry.
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