the bands listed above are those I practically listened to for the past few days/weeks and which make me siked about hardcore over and over again
Been a while since I wrote something here, I'm the worst when it comes to shortterm memory, what I do remember is this:
Recon, Liferuiner, To Kill tour passed through town.
it still amazes me how little people showed up for this show, like only 60?
it was a good show but short though. Hung out after the gig, Americans and Canadians trying to hit on Belgian women, awesomeness, pranks, fun, yes!!
To Kill and some of the guys in Recon slept over at Bruno's house, I had to stay as well in order to lock up the house in the morning when Bruno was already out to work. Everything went smooth, everyone back in the van until Ugo the guitarplayer forgot his pillow and got back to get it, closing the door behind him...
leaving me outside with no keys and no one inside to open the door, I kinda had an outburst there, got back my senses, phoned Bruno at work, no answer.
So I ran from Bruno's house to Jaspers appartment which I reached just in time, got on his pc started sending mails, looking up the address where Bruno works, walked all the way across town, got the keys from a cute secretary haha, had to run all the way to my bike who was still at the venue, went back to Bruno's place and arrived just in time at school, FUCK exhausted but happy everything went well
I did hear about a week ago that To Kill their van burned up, kinda hit me by shock, luckily no one got hurt and their gear is fine, they do need money for the van because they were still paying for the engine etc, so if you have any spare change and you'd like to help out check this out:
"paypal account to help to kill
so after a fast check we are pretty much in the shit. we still have to pay some of our debts to buy the engine of the dead van plus insurance for 6 more months and so on... basically situation sucks. we did a paypal account. if you would like to donate whatever even few euroes can makes a big difference for us.
the email is
thanx so much and thanx a lot also for the tons of messages and mail you are writing us for support it really means the world to us.
spread the word as much as you can.
all the best
the show must go on
Jasper's benefitshow for the animal shelter, although I didn't care about the bands this was pretty much one of the coolest gigs in a while, just kids having fun, no bullshit, the show was for him and for lotsa kids a succes, after that we hung out at the overpoort, laughing and pranking, good talks great hangout, headed over to a 'studentsroom' (kot) - party where we didn't really know anyone together with Lucas, David, Renard and who ever else, we kinda instantly bonded with some of the people there having lotsa fun and pranks again

thanks to Josephine, lady of the house for the good times!
metalshows kinda bum me out, tottaly different atmosphere
autumn break, pretty busy for the whole week, holidays or no holidays.
there was the record release of Oathbreaker on Holy Shit! records together with Black haven and Shredder both on the same label
afterwards there was the Holy Shit! party at Sioux in Ghent to celebrate one year of HS, and celebrate we did, there was this HC vibe throughout the evening though, 'to cool to move' whatever, I'm not gonna bitch about it, I danced, I had fun, I went crazy. Saw lotsa friends again that night, great talks, lotsa laughter, way to many jokes, good times!
been sending out the Kingdom mcd promo out to various zines and other people who might review it, kinda siked about reading the reviews, I'm digging the record I hope others will enjoy it as well!
spended some time in Eeklo with partners in crime Olivier and Ebert, went to a show with some crappy bands haha but it was fun though, hung out afterwards at Oliviers place watching Tenacious D which was pretty awesome. Went to bed haha, we all slept in the same bed, while Ebert fell asleep, Olivier and I started asking him questions in his sleep with some hilarious answers in return, good times!
went back to Ghent around noon by train, shit weather, held an openday at the Genet HQ, which was shit, about 4 people came over
at night Horse the Band was playing, received word from the booking agency they might run late and later that was changed into "reasonable doubt whether they would make it to the show"
the venue was packed with kids, first bands had finished, then we started waiting and waiting, eventuelly they arrived and started playing at 1230h, the show was ment to end at 1130h or so, I was left in charge to finsih up and do the payments, had some talks together with Micha with the driver who turned out to be Cephalic Carnage's guitarplayer who we met at Ieperfest in august.
after all it was a good night, some stress, but good times, nice people and the best vegan food prepared by el picanto vegan bastardo Jean!
these are pretty much my highlights of the past few weeks
for now I'll continue reading stuff by E.E. Cummings, which I believe is a great writer, continue to work for school which is also starting to bum me out, work at Genet, see bands, go to parties
next up is this thursday:

for whatever we lose (like a you or a me)
it's always ourselves we find in the sea
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