it's been one month since we left our shithouse and parted ways with my mates Jean and Micha. Moved into a new house with 2 awesome vegans and 2 carnivore Portugese.. humans. 4 days after I left my shit and went to Barcelona.
following the heart since 1988
at the end of the day, she's really all that matters
If you want to email me, my email address is in the picture above on the post. (click, and it'll enlarge) I mailed to you, but it was not delivered and sent back.
As a side, it is not takaji"ri" onishi but Takiji"ro" Ōnishi
2011-01-19 00:31:59
@Lieven Van Beneden
I guess you are talking about this post.
Finally..... I've found it.
is (most likely) the original poem of
"In blossom today,
Then scattered:
Life is so like
A delicate Flower.
How can one expect
The Fragrance to last forever?"
きょう咲きて あす散る花の 我身かな いかでその香を 清く留めん
大東亜戦争殉難遺詠刊行会出版 大東亜戦争殉難遺詠集(絶版)より。
If you want to email me, my email address is in the picture above on the post.
(click, and it'll enlarge)
I mailed to you, but it was not delivered and sent back.
As a side, it is not takaji"ri" onishi but Takiji"ro" Ōnishi
hey man, couldn't find a place i could comment back, clicked few things several times but didn't work
thanks so much for helping me out!
your mailed must've bounced back because our server was temporarily down.
anyway, appreciate it!
take care.
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