although a friend of yours getting beat up by ten other dudes is not cool,
neither is seeing a girl getting either an epileptic shock or OD'ing on the dancefloor-take your pick. At least we helped out instead of laughing at her and trying to take a peek up her skirt, seriously what has this world come to.
New Years Eve started out for me in Ghent, which I visited in the afternoon, looking for a new needle for my turntable (which is now totally screwed because I had no idea how to dismantle the whole thing.) So I found Liar's Invictus LP on ltd. orange vinyl for just 15€
15€!! a few months ago I bidded over 60£ on ebay to get one of these so this one's a real bargain an obviously made my day and night.
Headed to Eeklo together with Ebert and Duive (Thanks for the ride) to hang out at their place, doing some food shopping and heading off to get cooking at Oliviers place. Good times, I really enjoyed it, spending some time with Olivier, Ebert, Debra and Inaki, we had some laughs, had great food, hung out watched the fireworks and moved out together with Kwinten to Waarschoot where the party was at.
Besides the few incidents I recalled earlier we had a blast. fuck
wrestling on the dancefloor, punkrock jumps, twosteps crazy dancemoves, doing some disco style whatever, the most bad ass moves, we went complete beserk.
As for Saturday 3rd of january Liar was playing in Bruges, the show organised by us at Genet Records. I wasn't really in the mood to go. I was doing the bar all night until Liar. They made it quite worth my while of coming out anyways.
One of the craziest and sickest shows I've seen them play. Everybody was cool and moving, no stupid attitudes just all hanging about and kicking out the jams.
Saw some friends again which I hadn't seen in while as well so it was a great night after all.
Hans was talking about the Gaza strip - Israël conflict nowadays in between songs. And I kinda noticed no one really seemed to care. I know I did/do
2009 hasn't really brought much of good and 'prosperity' to those regions, where they're still fighting a war which finds it's roots 60 years ago.
Israël has been accused of using fosfor grenades (2nd-3rd degree burnwounds as result) and Cluster ammunition which are both prohibited by the International Community. Israël has now been accused of firing mortar and tank shells and doing airraids on at least 2 UN schools which harboured a lot of innocent children and their families who thought they would find shelter and refuge in there. Numurous children lost their lives in these attacks.
If you ask me the Israël of nowadays isn't really far apart from Hitler's Germany in the 30-ties and 40-ties. A regime that caused the death of over 6 million jews - people related to those who now live in Israël and are in fact almost doing the same to the Palestinians. If you look at it, the Gaza Strip is much like the Warsaw Getto in WW2 only way bigger. Would you blame the Palestinians for taking a stand...
Israël says it'll continue until Hamas will be eliminated. If there's one thing I know is that is impossible, most of these people believe so strong in their cause, the fight for a free Palestine, that they aren't in fact afraid to die, The last thing the Israelies want is turn them into martyrs because that will one day become their own downfall.

Is this why they created the 'peacefull' state of Israël in 1948
I think not
"Never ending warfare, useless bloodshed... Deathrow Earth, the end of a dream"
edit: I'd like to use this oppurtunity, not really to preach although it may sound like it. What is up with a lot of people being down over the the slightest litlle things. Being messed up by actions you or some one else have pulled off, things you regret doing or not doing. Get a fucking grip on yourselfs and your lives. I'm not saying I never complain but I do know a lot of people have it much worse, and everytime I feel shit I think about that and realize I have no reason what so ever of bitching about how bad I'm feeling or whatever.
fuck you, listen to Insted
"It's such a short time we're on this earth. We all tend to neglect from the moment of birth. Let's put aside the evil and look towards the good realizing what we have, is something we should. Step back, look around, what do you see? Step back, look around, and assess your needs. There's people less fortunate, with no place-to sleep. This life they were brought into, with nothing to eat. Don't take for granted the things you have cause compared to some people, life's not that bad, There's good things out there just look around, I'm not gonna let a loss bring me down. But instead I'll keep pushing on and be thankful for my life's not over and done.
Give thanks for what we are given.
Appreciate what you have got.
About my other blog, ( The first post is a fact, it features Black Sabbath's Heaven & Hell, if you're interested be sure to check it out.
Expect a Liar record on it real soon as well.
Other stuff I'll write about is this:
Be sure to check out this band!
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