50 Lions is on, making me go apeshit over and over. these guys will be touring Europe and more specifically Belgium on april 20 th or so-I guess together with Reign Supreme
As for now I'm still looking for a job. I've been denied on several occasions where I don't seem to pay up to the demands of experience or qualifications needed for the job which leaves to apply for the jobs you don't need those things.
And then there are also people who don't answer their phone after five times or don't call back - thanks dick, I'll be having a laugh about you when I've found something solid
tomorrow there's a whole new day, even better a whole new week, the beginning of another search. The longer this shit lasts, the longer I have to postpone moving out, cause i'm really getting homesick
as in sick of home.
I've decided to get started on my car driving theory in between job hunting, it'll create some interesting job oppurtunities I hope
So I found some new years eve photos too, you can find the bad ass story in the previous? post

retard alert anno '09

he got his ass kicked big time

new years eva
(i love my cruel hand longsleeve, best ever, design by Perth's finest Ash Prederick, bass or guitardude in Miles Away and Blackout!)
Thinking about the new year again made me go over some resolutions again...
1) I'd like to travel lots this year, not just Europe, cause when you've seen some Euro cities you've seen them all (that's not entirely true but you get the point) I could use a change of view. I do realise that this kind of travel needs quite some financial security, which I don't really have for now.
but none the less, I hope I get to see Australia within the coming years, the states(east and west coast) would be nice as well, but still, I think Australia is the best country to go to, trying to escape these cold winters. have christmas and new years eve on Bondy Beach-Sydney or where ever, I could get quite used to that
2) I'd like to have my part in touring this year, I know of some posibilities where I can tag along but I'll believe it when it's actually happening
3) I'd like to get more into photography, I'm getting a Lomo fisheye when my bankaccounts has some room to breath again and I'm currently expecting some boxes of Polaroid film that'll hopefully be compatible on my polaroid camera.
4) I'd like to get back to designing stuff on my computer like I used to do in highschool (I must say I was pretty good at it without showing off) but I left in on the side for too long and kinda lost touch with the programs. I did find an incredible (addictive) site which has give me some great inspirations on doing designs as well as streetart. Now I just have to put these ideas into reality
5) I'd like to have my love life less fucked up and screwed over every once in a while
No need for me to ask for amazing shows and festivals this year, I've been hearing that lots of great bands will be playing either here in Belgium or in Germany where I'll hopefully be again at Summerblast and Pressurefest. It also means seeing some mates again which makes me stoked
So it seems this summer will be off the hook, I only wonder how working might affects this. What I do have in mind for this summer is some crazy food parties in who ever's backyard, hot sunny days in Ghent, Ghent festivities, some swimming in the Blaarmeersen lake 10 min from the city, checking out the girls, freesbeeing the place up, having straight edge and vegitarianism (veganism?) rule my and my friends lives. growing a beard, hopefully getting tattooed if my money allows it
In addition I'll give you the lyrics for 'The Realness' a song by 50 Lions that's on their split 7" with DTN
"so here i stand,
as the end result of my failed plans
and im feeling as if the air we breathe
is nothing like the way it used to be.
As circumstances change I've become
a product of my own environment.
I soon discovered this world to be
the teacher that i never wanted it to be.
gotta redefine the wrong and right
12 years of my life no longer apply
no more expecations of who i am or where i'm at.
i've finally found my place, and i know this where
i'm gonna be.
so trust me when i say. i believe the only real home
is where my heart can find peace. this is where i'm free
i've been brought to the realisation
we all go our different way
i've never heard so many promises
made with such contempt
when this is everything
i never thought my life could be
all the faces that we left behind,dont mean a thing to me
nothing to me"
it's kinda how I've been feeling lately, I could give you Oscar's (who wrote it) and my thoughts about it but that would be pooping the party, figger out for yourselves what the dude means and or reflect it on your own lives
worked out for me
tell me about it if you like
And hey, I got to hang with both of my partners in crime this shithole's got to offer
Charlotte and Sofie, thanks for the chilling, the laughs and whatever.
I think we go way back, as in none of us even being born and already know each other and being the bad ass kids this town has to offer
YOUTH OF TODAY kicks ass
as in each and every one of you
My laptop is being a total dick again and i'm picturing a scene from 'Californication' in my head where Hank Moody picks up his laptop and smashes it into a wall
the dude can afford a new one, I don't, that's the only thing holding me back
I should smash my own face into a wall for never getting into skateboarding, I've been missing out big time
literature fact: Shifty Powers is quite a marksman
if I was a Kraut in '44 I'd be scared shitless having him at the other side of the battlefield
Bondi Beach *
no idea if you're getting this since i'm writing this 3 months later haha
bondi istead of bondy, sorry
you're from melbourne
wicked, love to go there ones
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