Tuesday, March 31, 2009



Monday, March 30, 2009

can't won't

a short version of what happened in the past few days
these have been some of the better days of 2009 but at the same time some of the shittiest.
I've got to spend some time with good friends, cook awesome dinners, be in great company

and at the same time I lost my job again
I knew I wouldn't be able to work last week. and I was scheduled to start again today. But it seems they've decided to eliminate a subsection of the company and the people working there are being moved to where I was working. Me being the last hired guy has to be the one they've got to let go

fucking useless

I won't let this loss bring me down- i can't
apart from that this is fucking bullocks.

good times:
are these good enough, I think so

wicked flower mural

All Above Hate

clubbin at make-up club

i missed glasses

one of my own-made shirts I used to make back in the day, can't be more bad ass than dirty harry

shopping at colruyt with Jasper, running into Bruno whilst at it

bringin a knife to a...cookingparty

angels taking a crap on my tongue

delish food, great company

clearly not his best angle I reckon

fixed my bike


doing the dishes and spoons

roof flooding

Nerys, heartbreaker to be

chop sticks

decadence delish

leaking roof, rent is due, bills need to be payed, need to shop for food, huge dept, shit for brains
what's not to like.

-"on my own against the world and I've never felt so fucking cold"

and the only thing keeping me warm right now is the warmth of the laptop on my lap, and the thought of you.

- check this wanker out, shoud be a good read

Saturday, March 28, 2009

on the fucking run again

no way this bullshit is bringing me down again

no fucking way

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

sun heights

"I was waiting for the longest time"
she said.
"I thought you forgot."

"It's hard to forget"
I said.
"When there is such an empty space
when you are gone"

thank you for being so patient
I miss you more than I'd like to admit

there, I said it

Monday, March 23, 2009

you make my dopamine levels go all silly

best weekend in a long while

fuck myself for not taking any pictures during the weekend

work was okay, tight schedules, sick deadlines, weekend was the bomb
fridaynight: the All Above Hate cd release, good show, cool bands, too tired to care more

Burning Skies, the headliner for the show stayed at my place
best dudes from the UK that I met to this date

saturday: chillaxing with BS cause their show got cancelled. hung out in the sunny streets of Ghent, hearing the terms 'hot', 'firm', 'tits' and 'ass' in one sentence non-stop

went eating under the guidance of Liam's fart ochestra

worst juiciest farts

laughed so fucking hard due to Merv's laughter and this

said our goodbyes cause they had to play a gig in Brussels that night.
Went off to the station, bike broke down again fuck
got my train
had a date with Sarah
got back to Ghent to have dinner together at Komkommertijd, a vegan all you can eat buffet restaurant about 200m from where I live.

best food
best company
I can honestly say I enjoyed every second of it

thank you for smiling and making me smile, you have no idea

week pics
spring cookout

sunny lunchbreak



in the shadows of these city lights

urban frisbee

rise and shine

goodnight my love

week off at work
nice gigs coming

pissin' rain
-fuck you

Saturday, March 14, 2009


monday-tuesday: Calais

-shithole, fuck this
Left at 6am in Ghent got there at 8.30am, silent collegue, barely conversating, everlasting drive, working 10 hours/day, hotel room with tv playing dubbed american series and movies, showerrrr, salad dish and fries, best sleep I had in a while, work again, local cafe, homewards, other driver, awesome dude, looking forward to the next trip.

took some pictures during work


container hangout

le pere du Lisa


Brush ya teeth bwoyeee

awesomeness in bookformat

still recovering from a bad bronchitis.
got my blood tested and I have a serious shortage of iron which forces me to take iron supplements, fuck this

Missing my friends heaps, working early hours doesn't allow me to stay up late and go out.
don't miss home at all,
though the parent-son relation has been improving
how much I don't like to admit it, glad I have that part of a family left
-saw my niece this wednesday in ghent for the first time in 2 years, she's 25
when she saw me, her face just went flat and looked away.
hey nice to see you to, twat

Saturday, March 7, 2009

.dateless days

This has been the second morning in a row I woke up bathing in sweat and blood soaking from my nose

I think there's something wrong with me.

been reading:
Band Of Brothers - Stephen E. Ambrose
Sea Poems
Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (radical!)
The Old Man And The Sea - Ernest Hemingway (from what I have read so far I do seriously not understand why he has received the Nobel prize of Literature for this.)

No unemployment issue bullshit in this entry
I found myself a job
no interimoffices involved, useless (goodlooking female) wankers.

-I'm working in Ghent with a company called Meyvaert. a glass engineering/construction and placement firm. I've started working since March 2 in the production unit, making museumcabinets, upcoming monday till tuesday I get to go to Calais in France to work there in the final stage of that project. The project we're working on now is in Oxford-UK and the one after that LA-USA

so that is where I might be within the next couple of months

Work has been chill but in a good steady pace at the same time, I learned a lot, met new people, got a cold which sucks.

Since march has begun, me and my housemates are finally settled in, sort off...
I've been in here the longest but I moved rooms again to the smallest room (which is by far the coolest if you ask me)

Been partying before starting off my job, been in eeklo at the 100 DAY party with Micky, Lucas, Eva, Chuwie, Eeklo kids. Been randomly clubbing in Ghent ending up at the Make-up Club which is to cool

being straight edge is still one of the coolest benefits when one goes clubbing haha

i remember everything

I believe I could write so much more but I'll just keep it to myself
and I'm kinda to lazy to write it anyways

pictures rule.





I've got a new bike, bought this for 20 euroz at a fleamarket on sundaymorning at St-Jacobs square in Ghent. When i took this pic this baby rode perfectly, a half hour later i planted my knees hands and partially my face into the 'Gentse Stiene' and my bike is all fucked, it still rides, barely

Annedien and Olivier