these have been some of the better days of 2009 but at the same time some of the shittiest.
I've got to spend some time with good friends, cook awesome dinners, be in great company
and at the same time I lost my job again
I knew I wouldn't be able to work last week. and I was scheduled to start again today. But it seems they've decided to eliminate a subsection of the company and the people working there are being moved to where I was working. Me being the last hired guy has to be the one they've got to let go
fucking useless
I won't let this loss bring me down- i can't
apart from that this is fucking bullocks.
good times:
are these good enough, I think so

wicked flower mural

All Above Hate

clubbin at make-up club

i missed glasses

one of my own-made shirts I used to make back in the day, can't be more bad ass than dirty harry

shopping at colruyt with Jasper, running into Bruno whilst at it

bringin a knife to a...cookingparty

angels taking a crap on my tongue

delish food, great company

clearly not his best angle I reckon

fixed my bike


doing the dishes and spoons

roof flooding
Nerys, heartbreaker to be

chop sticks

decadence delish

leaking roof, rent is due, bills need to be payed, need to shop for food, huge dept, shit for brains
what's not to like.
-"on my own against the world and I've never felt so fucking cold"
and the only thing keeping me warm right now is the warmth of the laptop on my lap, and the thought of you.
- check this wanker out, shoud be a good read
1 comment:
fucker iere! :D
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