fuck myself for not taking any pictures during the weekend
work was okay, tight schedules, sick deadlines, weekend was the bomb
fridaynight: the All Above Hate cd release, good show, cool bands, too tired to care more
Burning Skies, the headliner for the show stayed at my place
best dudes from the UK that I met to this date
saturday: chillaxing with BS cause their show got cancelled. hung out in the sunny streets of Ghent, hearing the terms 'hot', 'firm', 'tits' and 'ass' in one sentence non-stop
went eating under the guidance of Liam's fart ochestra
worst juiciest farts
laughed so fucking hard due to Merv's laughter and this
said our goodbyes cause they had to play a gig in Brussels that night.
Went off to the station, bike broke down again fuck
got my train
had a date with Sarah
got back to Ghent to have dinner together at Komkommertijd, a vegan all you can eat buffet restaurant about 200m from where I live.
best food
best company
I can honestly say I enjoyed every second of it
thank you for smiling and making me smile, you have no idea
week pics
spring cookout

sunny lunchbreak



in the shadows of these city lights

urban frisbee

rise and shine

goodnight my love

week off at work
nice gigs coming
pissin' rain
-fuck you
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