I think there's something wrong with me.
been reading:
Band Of Brothers - Stephen E. Ambrose
Sea Poems
Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (radical!)
The Old Man And The Sea - Ernest Hemingway (from what I have read so far I do seriously not understand why he has received the Nobel prize of Literature for this.)
No unemployment issue bullshit in this entry
I found myself a job
no interimoffices involved, useless (goodlooking female) wankers.
-I'm working in Ghent with a company called Meyvaert. a glass engineering/construction and placement firm. I've started working since March 2 in the production unit, making museumcabinets, upcoming monday till tuesday I get to go to Calais in France to work there in the final stage of that project. The project we're working on now is in Oxford-UK and the one after that LA-USA
so that is where I might be within the next couple of months
Work has been chill but in a good steady pace at the same time, I learned a lot, met new people, got a cold which sucks.
Since march has begun, me and my housemates are finally settled in, sort off...
I've been in here the longest but I moved rooms again to the smallest room (which is by far the coolest if you ask me)
Been partying before starting off my job, been in eeklo at the 100 DAY party with Micky, Lucas, Eva, Chuwie, Eeklo kids. Been randomly clubbing in Ghent ending up at the Make-up Club which is to cool
being straight edge is still one of the coolest benefits when one goes clubbing haha
i remember everything
I believe I could write so much more but I'll just keep it to myself
and I'm kinda to lazy to write it anyways
pictures rule.


I've got a new bike, bought this for 20 euroz at a fleamarket on sundaymorning at St-Jacobs square in Ghent. When i took this pic this baby rode perfectly, a half hour later i planted my knees hands and partially my face into the 'Gentse Stiene' and my bike is all fucked, it still rides, barely

Annedien and Olivier

1 comment:
Werk, woning, … nu nog de woman en 't is compleet!
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