Thursday, February 19, 2009

So lost inside myself, it isolates as routine bites hard

I've been roaming these streets for days, stopping at every job-solliciting office looking for jobs ads. I've been hearing the same old lines for the past few days,
"I can't promise you anything, it's very calm these days and everybody is looking for a job"
These days nobody cares about anyone, these are the times of drought throughout the African Savanne and grasslands, every human being is fighting for his place at the drinkingpond...

I've been nomadically scavaging these streets and friends houses for food, accepting every offer to come over and help cooking dinner and joining in at the table. I went through these street numerous times looking for the cheapest places to shop, and yes these places do exist. I've been helping out several people on their chores and random stuff around the house with some warmth and good company in return

I can manage this, but for how much longer..

I'm bittered by this world but at the same time sweetened by the kindness of my friends
The shades of this city are so fucking dark and yet so colorfull due to the people I run into on these streets everyday and brighten this city with their smile, I couldn't imagine a better place to spend my time roaming these streets than here

Verse quit, way bummed
Betrayed playing Ghent in june, way siked

Friday, February 13, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009



The shape of things to come

I have no idea how to handle all off this so I better catch up fast

looking for a job but not knowing what I wanna do. actually I do,
but it's just not realistic

-Never allow someone to be your priority
while allowing yourself to be their option.

best advice I had in a while

"smooth seas do not make skillful sailors"

"You must be a parkingticket...

coz you got fine written all over you"
pick up lines anno 2009, awesome!

I'm going with crazy new shit, I'm up for it

Check out Carpathian's Isolation on Deathwish rec, I dig it

I'm on my own against the world and I've never felt so fucking cold.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

fuck you sunday

you suck

This is probably the worst day of the week
-in general.

There's just nothing to do on sunday, so I don't even bother leaving the house anymore. Been doing practically nothing, I mean, nothing constructive/usefull or something in that same category of words.
The only usefull thing I did today was learning how to spit and suck it back up whilst being in the shower

like this dude

another -and probably the last of the day- usefull thing, putting this together and eating it, njamnjamnjam

vegan chocolate-strawberry-vanilla ice cream with fondant chocolate bar and fondant sprinkles added with some cacao powder
this is how it ended up-->>>

about the past week.
Friday was pretty wild, went shopping and hanging out in antwerp with Lucas
conclusion: antwerp sucks, Lucas rules

had to work at night, serving drinks and so on and so on at a chique reception in one of the University buildings. loved it, took me way back to Polépolé only I had to wear a nice white shirt with matching black pants, bunch of fags
my feet were killing me at the end but the pay and some hot drunk chicks running around were well worth it.

tomorrow I got another job moving who knows what to who knows where in some college building in Ghent. keeping busy, not sitting around, finally some action

yo Happy Birthday Ebert!

And hey! -it's a whole new month